Saturday, December 19, 2009

♥ + ♥ = ♥

Friday, December 18, 2009


Things are always hovering between us,

The memories always remain in our minds.

When we encounter something, some people,

Some items, some photographs,

In the same or different locations,

In the same or different time,

Memories will be like a movie-like place,

Happy, anger, sad, laments,

Everything will be playback infront of your eyes...

Maybe, the memories will get blur...

Like a year ago, took place in a long time ago.

It may also be very clear...

Like a decade ago, took place yesterday.

You can choose to escape and forget,

Also can choose to face and acceptance.

Different options, will bring out different feelings...

And I, choose the latter.

When memories comes, I will laugh, angry, even would cry loudly...

At this present, what have you thought of?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1st MSN Love Letter From My Dear Chloe~

To My Lovely DarlDarl,

Thinking back what we going through from beginning we met be friend and couple till now. At this moment i am sure on one thing my decision is right to give both of us a chance to develop...

To be honest from the beginning until now, I am still afraid of your past (ex)... I used to think u guys might get back together because 5 Years relation is very long... However, I convenient myself by telling myself everyone have past and included myself cant mind too much. Be with u I am happy.

My life previously is in between black and white, which is grey. But you make me believe that I deserve a better life, and my life is very colorful now. Hope you are same too...

I don't know how long we will be together but I wish to be forever. Anyway, happy for now and I believe go with the flow is the happiest way...

Suddenly, I felt thankful to god... (haha) cause I met you.
And I have been chosen by you as girlfriend,
And I've gave you a chance,
And thing work out...
DarlDarl... I LOVE YoU *HugHug*

Your Sweet DearDear Chloe

After I read it from my dear, I am so touching... and speechless...
I can't promise much things to her, but at least, I will treat her the best whatever I can.
Is she, lets me to get back the feeling of love.

Everyone has not borned perfectly in this world, I as well...
She always the cute and happy girl that I love in my heart.
My naughty DearDear. I love you too~

P/S : Oh ya... For the very first time i get punched by a girl and she is my very naughty DearDear. It's very pain on my mouth. Ish Ish ish~

Sunday, December 6, 2009


2009年10月19日 天賜良緣
讓不曾相識的一男一女 在眾多的人群中
同一個時間 同一個地點 相遇與認識

2009年10月24日 火車與機會
我知道 當時機一過 火車不會等人
為了不錯失這班車 我找機會截停
也感謝這班車 願意讓我截停

但坐起來很舒服 很自在
無拘無束 自然自在的表情

2009年10月25日 淩晨拜拜
天造機會 在下著雨的夜晚中
讓我倆有著 身體之間摩擦的成份
也讓我帶著想進一步卻不敢得 喜歡上你

2009年11月1日 我的生日
我在猜測玩暗示 你卻當作沒一回事
讓我鼓起勇氣 向你表白
從你那兒得到肯定的答案 我很肯定的答應你

2009年11月5日 愛情紀念日
當日當時 肯定了我們的愛情

2009年12月6日 直到現在
從相識到相愛 發生在這一個半月的時間裏
我要在這裡對你說 美仙我愛你!