Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Career @ Quarter 4 - 2010

I have been long long time... Return to my blog page.

Perhaps, I have nothing to write? or I wish not to write or something I can't express here...

In the month of October and November, my feeling is just terribly, dramatically up and down. Imagine there is few clocks is "tic-tac, tic-tac" inside your head, with alarmed.
Here ring and there.

Guess what? Money? Love? Career? Man can't run away from this few problems.

Nothing much to guess... Is my career actually.

This happen end of September 2010, I had join Cxtx as a Relationship Manager, I feel like so proud of it. Finally I am so called "manager". Fresh bloods for Cxtx with my new gang, Batch 3.

We hehehaha for a beginning. Slowly, I found RM is a tough job, tougher than when I was in PBB, this is what I tought, In addition of my boss not approve my leaves, I feel so restricted to work here. and the feeling of dissapointed and regrets come in my mind. And I decided, If my leaves not approve, I will say Goodbye to "you"! Wahaha...

But the main thing prompted in my mind was, I want non-sales job... I want non-sales job...
It's keep booming my mind... gosh!

So I started clicking (my favorite job seeker website). In between, I feeling is becoming stronger and stronger that I DON'T WANT to stay here!!!
Asking around my batch like mad, any vacancies available from their previous one?!

I keep updating my resume, prints and ask for "tolong" (it's Malay, and means help in English).

Oh yea finally, one of my batch mate have a taught " Why not you appy... Investment Consultant? IC : financial planning, advisor, with no sales target (the most important)! 100% suitable for my characteristic, and my batch mate said "Go ahead to apply, I will write a recommend letter for you too!"

Oh my god! My future is there, I feel it, I really feel it!

And a week after, I had received a call from SxxxCxxxx. "Would you mind to join as Junior Product Manager, since you don't have any experiences on it, we can only offer you based on what your current offer. I will call you up in next few days."

(I just feel that I am so lucky to join Cxtx and get to know so much opportunities for me! Goodbye Citi! Wahaha...)

A week has passed, I didn't receive any call from him. I take initiative to call back. And the result I get, "We want someone is experiences right now... sorry." I am so heavily after the call... My dream just wrecked.

Nevermind! I won't give up to try to leave this place!

(Story too long, and impatient to write too, so just shortcut it :P)

I had interview other Bank as well. And finally, my feeling back to normal.
Thanks to my friends, my girl friend for giving me supports and advises.

Why I soooo stubborn for being wasted my time on searching jobs, but not think about to stay and give myself chances to learn here? With the name of Cxtx, I can get better career path here.

bla... bla... bla...

So, I am still stay here. Happily. :D

"Sometimes, when we think we are in the worst, but actually we are not. We have just stuck in an angle of perception, this is what we are belief. Beliefs can bring us through tough times, and can as well bring us to death. Over belief is also called stubborn. What we need to do it. We should always review our beliefs. Good belief stay with us, the bad ones, we need to extract out the energy and install it to a new belief which we think it is good for us."

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