Saturday, November 14, 2009

D'yue Celebrity Night @ Palace of The Golden Horse

I had reach there about 6:15pm. Seeing all people dressing like red carpet dinner. I look at my self - a casual wear. Haha. Nevermind, is OK. I ignored them... Lived in my own world.

I just sitting at lobby waiting my colleague to come.

While waiting, I sms with my dear and listening to the pianist playing piano down behind me...
I am start to impatient. In between, I had sms my BSE 1 or 2 messages.
6:20pm... 6:30pm... 6:40pm... Finally, Phone has rang. "Charles, where are you? We reached outside lobby, come gather here."

Then we together got the tickets and heading to the Royal Ballroom.

We stepped in, and it just "Wow". It's so grand. and my BSE told me that this is better than our PBB annual dinner.
After signed in at the entrance, we got each person each nice diary. Kakaka...

We went in... to table 39.

Here is some photos I had took.

My colleague Shannon, & Me.

While the party running, my BSE suddenly asking me is it I "pak tou" with PBB staff? I am so suprised... Thinking how could she know it???
"Eh.. why le? How come you ask this question?" I asked.

"Just answer me la, is it true?"

Then have no choice... I admitted it.

And what I got from her is, she know it on last week. And it is WP/SEL Region 1 staffs asking her know our branch PFE is together with other branch's staff?
She said that PBB is so small, and don't worry, the news can spread very fast... She is teasing me...

10:45pm, we make a move. (Actually the dinner will only end at 12am) Tired and reach my sweet home:)

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