Monday, October 26, 2009

被命运主宰,还是主宰命运?Dominated by fate, or masters of your destiny?


Would you believe in fate? Do you have the ability to control the fate and resign to fate?


A person, rolled down directly from the mountain and and died after hit a big rock.
Another person, from the same mountain, rolled down at the same position where doest the previous did. While he is rolling down, he saw the boulder, and he slightly moved his body, so he can avoid the boulder and safe his life. The former is left at the mercy of fate; the latter is the mercy of fate.
You would choose what kind of person, and you are what kind of person?


"We" including myself, usually will choose for the latter, as human are afraid to die. Unless that he/she feel that suicide is more important than the meaning if life. Otherwise, he/she will not crazy on it to select the former one.


I have heard many people say, including my relatives, friends, passers-by, Ah Pig Ah Dog, say things should go with the flow.
These people can be described as fiddle-faddle, lazy - they believe in fate, want to change, but too lazy to act. These kind of irresponsible people of their own, if there is good result or in expected result of his matters, they said that this is his life. If the result which not he thought, the same would say that this is his life, together with they resign to fate.


This kind of lazyman, not qualified to say that accept its fate! Just like the former, after rolled down from the hill get hit to rock, after death dropped down to hell and tell Hades, this is his life, Hades wanted his life on right now, it cannot been drag until later. Hades just said to him, "fart!"


Those rolled down from the mountain and try to swing around, (unrelated to technical problems) had tried whatever methods to avoid the death, and was still unable to escape from death. Such person are qualified to say resign to fate.


To change the fate, get the ideal result is "high signed".


To change the fate, there is no ideal result is "middle signed".


For those accepted their fate, and without the desired results is the "low signed".


Those accepted their fate, and want to have good results, try to dream on slowly!


Dedication to everyone, Life is short in decades, take up your braves to pursue your dreams, and what you wants. Bring out your fantasies to the reality. (Don't think that you want to pull 1 million out from your dream, it is not possible.)


"There is no opportunities for you to put it down, if you had never take it up."

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